​Do you think of a list of questions to ask your doctor before you see him or her, only to forget them while you are in the waiting room?

You can use InOrderApp’s Pre-Appointment form to write your questions and updates in health before your doctor appointment so that you can reference what you want to say right from your smartphone,

Are you on multiple medications? Can you provide a list to health care professionals when asked?

You can use InOrderApp’s MediCards to keep track of all of your medications, the dosage, use and additional notes. It is easily accessible from your smart phone whenever you are asked to provide a list of medications to physicians or medical centers.

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If you answer yes, to 1 or more of these questions, then the InOrderApp may be the tool for you! Click on the questions below to see how InOrderApp can help you navigate the health care system.

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Do you see multiple specialists for one or more medical conditions?
​How do they communicate with each other?

By using InOrderApp’s pre-appointment and Journal functions, you can keep track of your appointments with each specialist that you see and communicate information that is critical to you about your health and treatments.

Health care specialists communicate patient information in various ways. Electronic health care records are supposed to make this process easier. By keeping an organized journal of your questions, concerns, and changes to your health treatment, you can have an organized dialogue with your specialists when you see them regardless of how they communicate with your other doctors.

Are you not sure who is who and are hesitant to ask?

InOrderApp’s Glossary gives a description of the members of the medical team and their functions in the health care system (ex: doctor, nurse, etc.) as well as a description of the specialists and what their focus is (ex. Oncologist, Endocrinologist).

Are you generally healthy and want to find a way to keep track of your health care checkups or tests (i.e. mammograms or colonoscopies) even when normal?

You can use the Journal entry function of InOrderApp to keep track of the date and outcome and reference it when it is time for your next scheduled appointment!

Do you want to keep track of your doctor appointments and medications and your smart phone, but are you worried about Privacy?

Anything that you enter into InOrderApp is private to your device or personal dropbox or iCloud account. It is not housed on any main server.

Are you looking for a simple tool to help you keep track of your medications
and doctor appointments?